The assembly of three RMG cranes at the CLIP terminal in Swarzędz near Poznań has started
8 April 2021
The assembly of three RMG rail cranes has started at the CLIP intermodal terminal in Swarzędz near Poznań. Upon completion of the investment, the CLIP logistics hub in Wielkopolska will be able to reload 8 intermodal trains at the same time.
The 40 ton cranes for handling containers from trains will have a span of 96 m and are among the largest in Europe. The gantry cranes will be able to stack 5 containers vertically and will be equipped with a fold-out gripper for lifting intermodal semi-trailers

The construction of overhead cranes is part of a large project to expand the CLIP terminal implemented with the support of European funds from the Cohesion Fund under the Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program. The total value of the project is over PLN 200 million.

In addition to unloading trains, the investment will increase the terminal’s capacity from the current 4,500 TEU to approximately 10,000 TEU. After the reconstruction, the terminal will have 12 tracks for servicing trains, each 750 m long. It should also be added that the construction of a warehouse with an area of 30,000 square meters has started in the vicinity, which will increase the CLIP warehouse space to 450,000 square meters of warehouse and production halls.
Thanks to the implemented investments, the reloading capacity of the terminal will triple from the current 136,000. TEU up to 533,000 TEU per year. Twenty intermodal trains can be serviced here within 24 hours.
After the expansion, the terminal in Wielkopolska will become the largest railway transshipment hub in Poland of international importance, located on the transcontinental E 20 main line, which is the main part of the New China-Europe Silk Road. The CLIP terminal also supports a number of connections to many destinations in Poland and other countries of Central and Western Europe.
Clip Logistics Center in 2020 was recognized as the 6th logistics center in Europe.
More information: http://clip-group.com/aktualnosci/clip-group-najlepszym-centrum-logistycznym-w-polsce/

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